As many of you know adoption is not cheap . In the interest of doing my part to defray the recently incurred expenses as we brought our son Jonah home, I have started a business. The name of the business is "The Food Coach". I will now be for hire, if you will, for personal weight loss counseling. The goal in my practice is wellness, not necessarily weight loss in the sense of "getting skinny" per se' . I have always had a passion for wellness as a whole and believe life should be enjoyed, savored, and rewarding no matter your endeavor. Achieving a healthy state , no matter the weight on the scale, is the goal. Whether you have heart disease, diabetes, chronic illness, need more energy, or would simply like to shed some pounds to look and feel your best, I can help in a personal, fun, practical, and results driven way. I have a degree from the Dept. of Health and Nutrition Sciences at ISU and in my department I had a 3.96 GPA. For years , well, as long as I can remember , I have had a love for food and it's relationship to our health and well being. So many diseases we suffer from in our country today are preventable!!! Yes, preventable!! "Harvard Public Health" showed recently in research that over 60 % of Americans suffered from "diet related" illness. Since health is the #1 predictor of happiness why shouldn't we treat ourselves to a happier , healthier life by giving our body the best possible fuel? Food is our friend, food is our comfort, it is our fuel, and it's one part of your life that you cannot afford to neglect.
I will offer such services as assessments ( body fat, fisceral body fat,metabolic rate, and more), setting goals that YOU are comfortable with, menu planning, clearing your pantry, shopping with you (the grocery store is the best place to educate yourself!!) and even cooking in your home. Lifestyle changes are sometimes hard to make so don't do it alone. I offer a discounted rate for " buddies". So grab some support, a sister or your best friend or spouse, and watch the pounds melt away, your metabolism increase, your energy skyrocket!!!
My rates are affordable ( WAY cheaper than the local gym even) and you get personal, tailored attention and a plan that is just right for YOU. So "just do it". You are worth it!!