Friday, November 6, 2009

Mia's Dance Recital


Here's Mia in all her glory! She had a great time tonight at her Christmas recital (well, the almost Christmas recital..) It seems like yesterday she was 20 months old and we were watching her dance to the elevator music at LAX on the way home from China. This girl loves to ANYTHING!! She has come a long way since her first recital 2.5 years ago when she got on stage and broke into tears! Tonight she was all smiles and waves as she got to show the world "her moves" as she puts it. We couldn't love that little spunky girl any more if we tried! She has my heart...all of it!
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Chinese songs sung by our sweet little friend Grace

I got an email a few days ago from a friend in Utah who adopted the beautiful Monroe Grace from CHI (the same agency we used with Mia and Jonah) . Grace was 10 I think when she came home to her family . She has such a beautiful , bright personality and shines from the inside out let me tell you! Her parents recorded her in a recording studio and have a CD. There are 14 genuine, beautiful Chinese songs that many of my fellow adoptive families would love. I know my kids would anyway. Grace's mom Stephenie, has approached me and asked if they can sell these cd's and donate the proceeds to our orphanage donation! What an angel. We are so very blessed these days ! If you are interested , go to her blog and order it. There is even a sample of her singing there. It brings tears to my eyes. Her blog address is actually if you email to the following email they will send you a paypal request and it's done.. SO easy. I want to play her sweet little voice for the world. It truly is beautiful. A piece China , that's what it feels like when I hear her voice. OKay, that email again is ( it's a web site actually)
She is selling them for 10.00 !They will send you an electronic copy or a hard copy if you request it. What a great idea...I am so glad she was able to record those songs while Grace had them so firmly planted still in her mind and heart. SHE inspires me!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Miss L


This one is my favorite! She looks like such a big girl . I love her hair!!! Yep, she's a Mallory for sure! She has her daddy's smile! Maybe I need to produce a side by side of her and daddy!!
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She seems to be a great big sister

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Lola Smiles

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Lola Bon

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