say DIVA??????????????????
Jonah: So my brother says if I sit on your lap you'll give me candy?

Yes, that's right! We found the big guy himself hanging out at our local Festival of Trees! I couldn't help but snap a couple pictures as this is the "three musketeers'" first Santa sighting since they are all three together now! Everything this year is "through new eyes"! WHAT we did without Jonah ?I don't know!!! Those three have the BEST conversations amongst themselves! Their take on the season's festivities thus far is hilarious! Jonah is new at this , but no worries, Mia is there to explain it all!!!!! Mia says Santa lives in Alaska, Ashton says he lives at Grandpa's and Jonah is utterly confused! One thing we have been making sure he gets the story on is the true reason for Christmas. He seems to really understand, as much as can be expected and it is so sweet when he sees a Nativity scene. He names off Mary , Joseph and baby Jesus and then he names off the three wise men. Evidently, Grandpa Rick is one of them! Wow! Dad, I knew you were old but...... you really have been around for a while!!:)