Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mallory Family Temple Day

Last Friday evening we were able to take Jonah to the Twin Falls LDS Temple . I took lots of pictures before we left because A. I wanted to record this special day for our family.

B. All 5 of my children had clean faces all at once!!

C. All 5 of my kids had a clean face!!

D. B and C !!!!!!!!!

Joking aside , isn't that just a cute bunch of kids? Yep, I am tipping the scale of"sanity" and my house is often loud and very busy but it is MINE (ours) and I couldn't imagine my life without any of these amazing little people we are raising. We have lots of ups and downs, but life is never dull and it's never been sweeter. Jarrod and I are slowly getting used to parenting FIVE KIDS. He has lost hope of a quiet room in the house (until bedtime) but we try really hard to take advantage of that time effectively even if it's just chatting as we fold the last bit of laundry or lay there exhausted watching the news together. Patience is being learned and memories are being made daily. At the end of the day, no matter how crazy it's been ,we know that FAMILY IS EVERYTHING!!!!! Our day at the temple will be forever etched in my heart. In our religion, in case you aren't familiar with the LDS practices, the Temple is a very special place to us. When a child is adopted there is a beautiful ceremony "sealing" the adopted child to our forever family. It was a beautiful evening for our family , one which we will never forget. Jonah knits this family in a way I could have never imagined. He balances out the mix of personalities we have among our kids and just "fits". Only a loving Heavenly Father could give such a rich blessing. My heart will forever ache for the first 5 years of his life when his family had not found him yet, but somehow it's all ok. Somehow , it has been as it should be and would not have worked any other way. I hope I am making sense. There is a quote I sent out in Mia's adoption announce ment years ago and it has meant so much to me lately as I look at my perfectly mixed little family. I will share it with you now........................

" We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time and miles, growing withing the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands". by Kristi Larsen

Welcome home Jonah ! Welcome home!