Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mia the opportunist

We all know Mia makes the most of life on any given day:) That being said, yesterday was no different as she battled a very high fever. I don't know what's wrong with her, I'll see where this goes but during her darkest hour yesterday I tucked her in bed and told her I was going to the store to get her some medicine( the Tylenol alone wasn't cutting it). So she said in a low mumble....... MOM....... will you also get me some shoes? I said shoes? Yes, she replied, I want pink sparkly shoes. She saw an opportunity and she took it! NO, I didn't come home with pink shoes but I did manage to find some motrin and her fever went down. There's one thing I do know, Mia can "work it" when she see's opportunity. Good thing I'm clued in to her um "talent"........


Maughan"sters" said...

You are strong! If my only girl said that to me, I think I would fall for it!

Amy said...

That is FUNNY!! She is way too smart, but good thing you are least for now!!!

Marilyn said...

How do you do that with only one girl? When mine tells me she needs clothes...out I run and come home with tons of goodies for my princess! And she is 13, I am in sooo much trouble when she turns 16 and starts dating....we'll be shopping every week for a new "date" outfit! You should've come to visit for Spring Break, we miss you!