Friday, April 24, 2009

Jonah's funny of the day

I HAD to sharethis one! If for anything , just so I don't forget all these cute little things he says. Soon he'll be all americanized and these funny things he says will be gone!
Jonah: "Mom, where you going?"
Me: " I am taking dinner to Danelle because she broke her big toe"
Jonah: "She got owie?"
Me: "Yes, she hasa BIG owie"
Jonah: " She broke her toe?"
Me: " Yes, she broke her toe
Jonah: " She gotta get a new one..."

I guess in China, you just get a new one! I'll take western medicine in this case!


Amy said...

I so wished it worked that way!! My body is getting old, can I get a new one?? What a great kid he is!!

Sarah Stokes said...

Mare, thanks for getting me out for a night, I had a lot of fun. Let's do it again.